Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Conference organization

Program (co-)chairs

  • Nathalie Mitton is/was program chair or co-program chair for WiSARN-Fall 2011 and IThings 2012.

  • Xu Li is/was chair or co-chair for IoT-ET 2012, AdHoc-NOW 2011, WiSARN 2011-Spring, SCNC 2011.

Program committee members (TPC)

  • Jean Carle is/was TPC member of AdHoc-Now 2011, PIMRC 2011, ANT 2011, IUTP 2011, IUPT 2012.

  • Michael Hauspie is/was in a TPC member for MCCIS 2011.

  • Xu Li is/was a TPC member for IPCCC 2011, LCN 2011, MASS 2011, ICNS 2011, FutureTech 2011, IWCMC 2011, PIMRC 2011, IST-AWSN 2011.

  • Nathalie Mitton is/was a TPC member for SSS 2011, SensorComm 2011, WWANS 2011, AdHocNets 2011, SETIT 2011, AlgoTel 2011, WiSARN 2011, CMC 2011, CMC 2012, WWASN2012.

  • Tahiry Razafindralambo is/was a TPC member for MASS 2011, MSWIM 2011, PE-WASUN 2011.

  • Isabelle Simplot-Ryl is/was a TPC member of ICC-AHSN 2012, ICC-WSN 2012, LCN 2011, ICC2011.

Publicity chair

  • Nathalie Mitton was/is publicity chair of MASS 2011, AdHocNow 2011, SPECTS 2011 & 2012.

  • Tahiry Razafindralambo was publicity chair of AdHocNets 2011.

  • Xu Li is/was publicity chair for TPDS Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Systems (2012), DCOSS 2011, iThings 2011, HPCC 2011, UIC 2011, ATC 2011, LOCALGOS 2011.


  • Nathalie Mitton was poster chair of MobiHoc 2011.

  • Tahiry Razafindralambo was web chair of AdHocNow 2011.

  • Xu Li was/is submission chair for MASS 2011.

Invited talks

  • Tahiry Razafindralambo was invited speaker at AdHocNow 2011 and gave a tutorial at WPMC 2011.

  • Nathalie Mitton was invited speaker at "RESCOM school", "Les mercredis de la RFID2011", Rencontres Inria Industries, "Les assises de l'embarqué"'2011.

  • Xu Li was invited speaker at University of Paderborn, Germany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China and Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China.

  • David Simplot-Ryl was invited speaker at WiSARN-Fall 2011.

Editorial activity

  • Nathalie Mitton and Xu Li are editorial board members of AHSWN since 2011.

  • Xu Li is editorial board member of Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks since 2010.

  • Xu Li is associate editor, European Transactions on Telecommunications since 2011

  • Nathalie Mitton is guest editor for special issues in Eurasip journal (2011).

  • Nathalie Mitton and Xu Li are guest editors of special issue in Springer PPNA (2011)

  • Xu Li is guest editor of special issues in Elsevier's COMCOM, JCM and AHSWN (2011)

  • Jean Carle is/was reviewer for IJPEDS, IPL, TPDS.

  • David Simplot-Ryl is involved in numerous international conferences and workshops (e.g.recently AdHocNets 2011, IEEE MASS 2011, IEEE INFOCOM 2011-2012) and in editorial activities (e.g. special issue in IEEE Network Magazine on the "Internet of Things" or member of associate editor of IEEE Transactions Parallel and Distributed Systems).


  • Nathalie Mitton was/is member of the ANR programme blanc SIMI3 and expert for ANR ARPEGE program.

  • Nathalie Mitton is a member of the Inria COST-GTAI.